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Should Bill Maher Be Commencement Speaker?

With a new graduation season, a new controversy arrives. Berkeley students protest selection of comedian viewed as anti-Muslim.

'Red Lines' On Israel

Princeton professor protests his preemptive exclusion from a panel based on his support of the academic boycott of Israel.
A photo illustration of the Israeli and Palestinian flags, with a rather grimy filter.

Is the Boycott Movement Anti-Semitic?

Not all BDS supporters are bigots, but the movement should reflect on its ties to groups and ideas that promote hatred of Jews, writes Cary Nelson.

Educated and Religious

Research finds that, starting with those born in the 1970s, people with college degrees are more likely than others to have religious identification.

Holding Off on Gay Faculty

Pressure grows at Mennonite institutions to end ban on hiring non-straight professors. Eastern Mennonite U., which many hoped was about to shift, declines to do so. But it leaves in place suspension of policy.

Not Quite Two Cultures

The divide between scientists and people of faith may be less clearcut than many imagine, in part because many scientists have religious faith, survey finds. But key differences remain, especially on evolution.

Keeping Sexes Separate

If a student or group requests a gender-segregated setup for religious reasons, does the university have a responsibility to accommodate?

Keeping the Faith

Yeshiva's finances look bad, but some faculty members there do not despair.