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Expect More Hate Leaflets

After nearly 200 incidents of white supremacist propaganda on college campuses last year, Anti-Defamation League warns that one group is ramping up its activities.

Honors for Racist Scientists

As debate over statues and building names moves from Confederate generals to researchers, editorial in Nature receives intense backlash.

‘The Man-Not’

Tommy Curry, the philosopher at Texas A&M whose comments on race set off a furor, discusses his new book on how critical theory has ignored the realities of black maleness.

Insensitive or Racist?

Study finds that students who deliver microaggressions are also likely to harbor racist attitudes.

Outrage Over Op-Ed

Essay by law professors at Penn and San Diego asserts that “all cultures are not equal,” decries modern culture, birth control, “inner-city blacks” and “anti-assimilation” Latino immigrants. Many at Penn are demanding the university speak out.

Robert E. Lee’s Namesake

Amid renewed push against Confederate monuments, Washington and Lee University says being named after the Confederacy’s top military leader reflects institutional history. Others see idolatry.

Stop Sustaining White Supremacy

Shaun R. Harper writes about a speech he delivered to faculty and staff members at the University of Virginia one week after white supremacists showed up on the campus.

One Way College Leaders Can Truly Stand With Charlottesville

It’s one thing for unwelcome racists to invade our campuses, quite another to have dead racists honored on them, argues Leidy Klotz.