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Reversal in UConn Fracas

Charges are dropped against controversial speaker, but woman who took his notes is arrested. She says she was trying to prevent racist hate speech.

The Neo-Nazi Protest That Wasn’t

Only four people showed up to protest the University of North Florida for suspending an avowed white nationalist student.

Higher Education’s ‘White Power’

President of higher ed research group documents white dominance in the academy and urges scholars to use their work to help disenfranchised people.

Retaliation Is Not a Right

Indiana appeals court sides with Purdue Calumet in professor’s free speech lawsuit.

Strategic Silence

Oberlin will no longer notify students about hateful fliers if there’s not an immediate threat. The college doesn’t want to amplify provocateurs, but some students worry silence sends the wrong message.

White Perceptions of Affirmative Action

New results -- showing majority of white people believe they face discrimination -- surprise many. But attitudes, especially about college admission, don't always reflect the bias and disadvantages experienced by nonwhites or actual enrollment trends.

Expectations, Race and College Success

Study suggests high school teachers’ attitudes are not colorblind and influence who succeeds in higher education.

Anger Over Stereotypes in Textbook

Pearson vows to remove material amid uproar over advice on how nursing students should evaluate people by their racial, ethnic or religious backgrounds.