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Preparing for Scrutiny

U of Texas prevailed in affirmative action case in large part because of its research. Will other colleges be able to match that analysis? And will legal and political battles change if focus is on rejected Asian-American applicants?

Justice Department Will Target Affirmative Action

Trump administration plans to investigate and sue colleges and universities over admissions practices.

Sikh Scholar Harassed Over Photo of Another Man in Turban

Conservative website used photo of someone else raising both middle fingers to Trump Tower.

Social Media Storm

Former leader of Claremont Colleges’ resource center for LGBTQ students believes he was fired for his Twitter comments on white people and the police.

White Supremacy Spillover

Some University of Virginia students are fearful that nearby white supremacist activity will encroach on campus.

Student-Evaluated Out of Tenure

American U scholar says provost cherry-picked negative student ratings of her teaching to deny her a promotion

What Evergreen State Could Have Taught Us

In the end, argues Christopher Leise, the questions should not have turned to “Who is right here?” but rather, “Who is white here?”

Ethics, Money and Academic Meetings

California’s ban on using state funds to travel to Texas highlights the dilemma facing national groups with meetings scheduled to take place there.