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See Hate Speech, Leave It Up

Resident assistants at University of Michigan are worried about not being able to remove racist or other offensive language from dormitory doors. Officials say they can't suppress free expression.

More Anger Over Blackface Yearbook Photos

As images continue to be uncovered, colleges are forced to confront reality that institutions were hostile to black people and others -- well after they desegregated.

Racist Histories

Colleges and universities in Virginia and elsewhere, struggling with histories tied to slavery and the Confederacy, are forced by the scandal involving the governor's yearbook to consider the spewing of hatred in contemporary times.

Not an Isolated Incident

Recent controversy over email from Duke professor about Chinese students speaking Chinese in lounges reflects larger tensions in academe, experts say.

Under Fire for Comments on White People

U of Georgia Ph.D. candidate in philosophy says he's under investigation for his comments about race -- now that donors are involved in the debate.

Telling Students Not to Speak Chinese

A professor at Duke University steps down from her administrative role after sending an email to students suggesting they not speak Chinese in student lounge and study areas.

‘Voluntary’ Departures: the New Expulsion?

Legal experts ponder whether public universities can ask students who are racist or who misbehave to leave. Has this become the new strategy to avoid kicking them out and facing First Amendment backlash?

Notre Dame Will Cover Columbus Murals

University says it is trying to balance the inspiration the murals gave to Roman Catholic immigrants more than a century ago and the pain the paintings create for Native Americans today.