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Professors are planning a work stoppage and virtual, public teach-in on police violence and racism next month.

Don’t Rely on Black Faculty to Do the Antiracist Work

Higher education leaders can do more than simply give lip service to the need to dismantle systemic racism, argues Shenique S. Thomas-Davis, who offers a number of recommendations.

Justice Department v. Yale

Federal agency says the university's admissions policies discriminate against Asian and white applicants.

Remembering George Floyd

Some colleges are reviewing their law enforcement and criminal justice curricula following national unrest around police brutality and racism.

U.S. and ‘Them’

A leading voice on welfare reform is accused of racism after he publishes an article linking poverty to "culture." Journal faces calls for retraction.

Colleges and Racial Reckoning

Does changing a college's name advance social justice? Reviewing some of the history of racism on campuses, John R. Thelin urges facing the past as well as erasing it.

Dropping the N-Word in College Classrooms

Institutions should consider developing guidelines to address the main objections to doing so, argues Ruth A. Starkman.

Principles and Punishment

Kappa Alpha Order chapter at Southwestern University suspended for releasing a statement denouncing the organization's historical ties to the Confederacy.