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Report: College Access Remains Inequitable at Selective Publics

An examination of the most selective public universities in the country found that representation of students of color has seen few -- if any -- improvements since 2000.

Putting Action Behind Words

College leaders are making good on commitments to address racial inequities at their institutions with more diverse staffing, socially relevant curricula and targeted fundraising to help students of color.

‘Campus Uprisings’

Editors discuss their new book on campus protest movements against racism and their views of the protest movement after the killing of George Floyd.

More Crucial Than Ever

Today's climate demands the inclusion of ethnic studies throughout higher education, argues Elwood Watson, who disputes the naysayers' routine criticisms of the field.

It's Time for Governing Boards to Weigh In on Race

College and university governing boards must push their institutions to be forces for ending, rather than perpetuating, racism, write Carlton Brown, Richard Legon and Terrence MacTaggart.

ZIP Codes and Equity Gaps

Researchers used the racial and ethnic makeups of ZIP Codes as a proxy for race to track financial trajectories of college students.

Campuses Reckon With Racist Past

College leaders are reconsidering the names of campus buildings and monuments that memorialize white supremacists, in reaction to the current movement against racial injustice.

Envisioning Higher Education as Antiracist

Krishni Metivier provides a checklist of key actions that colleges and universities should take.