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A Counselor Who <Br>Looks Like You

A common demand of minority student protests is more minority counselors in a range of student service departments. Is this wise or does it promote segregation?

Race on Stage

A new play appearing at multiple colleges tackles campus race issues at the heart of recent protests.

A Clarion Call

Academe should support minority journals and the scholarship of faculty of color, argues Donna Y. Ford.

Is the Word 'Plantation' Racist?

Student protesters are demanding that the Cornell Plantations' name be changed by the university.

Scalia and Higher Ed

Justice's death may not change outcome on affirmative action, which he opposed. His record includes key votes and dissents on issues of black colleges, hate speech, single-sex public higher education and church-state line.

Get Ready for More Protests

Annual survey of incoming college freshmen finds interest in student activism at all-time high, especially among black students.

In Search of Consensus

Protests at campuses nationwide lead to lists of demands, but what happens when a college's Quaker faith rejects the idea of demands?

For Black Men

UConn creates new living and learning space for African-American male students. Some see overdue attention to this group's needs. Others see segregation.