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A 'Successful' Conference on Hunger?

Wick Sloane wonders if filling an auditorium to discuss the problem of campus hunger and homelessness is progress -- and if screaming would make a difference.

Yale Retains Calhoun Name

A residential college will still feature name of leading advocate for slavery. But university will drop use of "master" to describe those who lead residential colleges.

Waiting for the NCAA

Association earned praise for condemning Indiana law that permitted discrimination against gay people. Why doesn't it take a similar stance against its own members?

9-Day Sit-In Ends

Clemson makes numerous pledges on minority faculty, enrollments and diversity training, but administrators and students remain apart on some issues.

Defunding Diversity

Tennessee Legislature votes to cut all state funds for office that promotes diversity at state's flagship university, where students walked out of class to oppose the legislation.

Beyond a Deficit View

Administrators and faculty members desperately need a new language to characterize minority, low-income and first-generation students -- one that frees us from dependence on labels such as “disadvantaged,” argues Byron P. White.

Call for Punishment for Racist Texts

Saint Louis University officials promise "restorative justice" amid growing anger over lack of punishment for baseball players who sent racist text messages.

Race, Graffiti and an Arrest

U of Wisconsin police pull black student from class to arrest him for allegedly spray-painting anti-racist messages across campus, prompting criticism that university cares more about graffiti than bigotry.