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Quelling Racial Tensions

To begin to deal with racial tensions, colleges and universities should recognize and respect people's humanity and apply other conflict-resolution principles, says Michael F. Mascolo.

A Civil Rights Hero Who Disappeared

New book tells story of a largely forgotten man who won a landmark Supreme Court decision.

Princeton Keeps Wilson Name

University rejects student demands to drop name from public affairs school, but pledges to provide context on Wilson’s legacy of racism. U of Mississippi, meanwhile, debates the right context for a statue of a Confederate soldier.

'Enough Is Enough'

Vice provost at U of Wisconsin makes an unusually frank video in response to a racial incident -- and attracts attention most university statements never receive.

Graduation Gap Widens

Public colleges are increasing students' overall graduation rates, but a study finds the gap between black and white students continues to widen.

Student Affairs Officers Not Influenced by Race

Inspired by findings of bias at the K-12 level, a study sought to see if higher ed officials would impose harsher penalties on hypothetical black students than on white ones.

The Popeye Paradox

As a metaphor, the cartoon character provides perhaps rather surprising insight into how underrepresented students can experience college, writes Denise Anthony.

My Brilliant (White Male) Professors

Study finds students are more likely to use certain words of praise when describing professors who are men or who are in fields with few female and black scholars.