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Higher Ed Heat Wave

At colleges in regions unaccustomed to the extreme heat, students and employees try their best to stay cool.

(Another) Apparent Loan Deal

Compromise would tie federal student loan interest rates to financial market, cap them, and direct some savings to reducing the deficit. Senate approval is not a sure thing.

Turning Big Ships

CFOs at large (and generally healthy) universities nonetheless feel pressure to change their ways and cut costs, to support strategic priorities.

Looking the Other Way?

UConn goes public with investigation into child sex abuse allegations against professor -- and some documents indicate that as far back as 2006, some at the university were told of the charges.

Arguing Our Value

Students (and families) are understandably questioning whether college is worth it. Jennifer Brannock Cox wrestles with how to make the case.

Show Me New Money

A dominant theme at this year’s annual meeting of college business officers is finding creative sources of capital or revenue that institutions can use to invest -- often by outsourcing existing functions.

Differential Tuition Impact

In some fields, charging more discourages enrollments, especially of female and minority students, study finds.

New Programs: Digital Studio Art, Book Studies, Supply Chain Management, Network Science

Albright College is starting an undergraduate major in digital studio art. Goucher College is starting an undergraduate minor in book...