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Coming Up Short

Loyola University New Orleans becomes the second selective college this summer to announce a major enrollment and budget shortfall. Is it a harbinger of things to come, or just a case of bad enrollment strategy?

Senators Reach Loan Deal

A bipartisan group agreed late Wednesday on a change to federal student loan programs, basing interest rates on the market but including a cap.

Short-Term Help, Lasting Payoff

A program is helping low-income students at seven community colleges discover new avenues of financial support, in hopes of increasing college completion.

No Such Thing as ‘Free Tuition’

Oregon will study plan to let students forgo tuition upfront in exchange for a proportion of their wages upon graduation. Critics say it is a bad idea that will never get off the ground.

New Programs: Business, Nursing, Homeland Security, Culinary Arts

Baruch College of the City University of New York, along with CUNY's Graduate Center, is starting a Ph.D. in business...

Impure Plastic?

Eastman Chemical's lawsuit raises issues about academic and corporate research and conflicts of interest.

Not Business as Usual

UCLA wins approval to make M.B.A. program self-sufficient, which the school sees as key to long-term success. The UCLA plan remains controversial, but Berkeley’s Haas School has changed its business model with much less resistance.

Exacerbating Inequality

Citing declining enrollment and bachelor's degree attainment for low-income minority students, report warns that proposals to reform federal student aid could harm access and outcomes for neediest students.