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Baby Steps for Need-Based Aid

At meeting of private college presidents, campaign to discourage use of student aid that is not tied to financial need gains some momentum.

A Guaranteed Pell Grant?

A study suggests that guaranteeing a Pell Grant for low-income students as early as the eighth grade could increase college access and completion.

Limits of Performance-Based Grants

Grants tied to enrollment, persistence and grades bolstered full-time study but did little to increase credits earned by low-income students, study finds.

Living Cheap Enough?

With student debt surpassing $1 trillion, graduate school deans discuss the implications for graduate school admissions and retention and the importance of financial literacy.

Bankruptcy, Not Forgiveness, for Student Loans

The current headlong rush to make student debt forgivable does nothing to encourage prudent borrowing and discourage tuition increases, writes Jenna Ashley Robinson. Making some loans dischargeable in bankruptcy would send better signals.

Who Deserves Affordable Care?

With more institutions cutting adjunct hours as new health care requirements approach, higher education officials are pushing for more guidance from the government on what to do.

Rethinking Grants and Loans

A white paper, part of the Gates Foundation's project on financial aid, from the National College Access Network calls for overhauling the student aid system to focus on underrepresented students.

Those College PSAs May Help

Videos and other material making postsecondary education seem accessible appear to encourage college-going behaviors, study finds.