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A Net Disappointment

Review of net price calculators finds that many are hard to find, confusing to use or inconsistent.

Default Rates Continue Climb, Mostly

The two-year default rate for federal student loans increased again this year, but defaults at for-profit colleges fell.

SUNY vs. Student Debt

A large university system begins statewide effort to help students manage debt and avoid defaults.

Higher Ed Scholars' Voucher War

A high-profile study asserting that New York program increased college enrollment of low-income black students comes under attack from a leading scholar of financial aid policy.

Pell Spending Levels Off

Federal spending on the biggest student grant program surprisingly declines by $2.2 billion, even as numbers of recipients increased. But a sword still hangs over the program.

Elitism, Equality and MOOCs

Euphoria about massive online courses aside, they aren't the answer to improving access to higher education for low-income students, writes Ryan Craig.

Counterpoint: Financial Aid Transparency

Contrary to a previous essay, campus financial aid administrators believe award letters can be improved and students better informed about the price of higher education, writes Justin Draeger.

Student Debt, Gender and Class

Sociologists' research on different borrowing patterns of men and women, and of those from different wealth levels, illustrate ways that opportunity may be endangered.