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College for Free

Change everything about how higher ed is funded and public colleges can offer free tuition, a new book argues.

Isn't Learning Part of 'Value'?

President Obama is right to want colleges to prove their worth – but his “myopic” plan ignores how much students learn, writes Richard Hersh.

Ratings Are Not So Easy

It's hard to argue with President Obama's analysis of higher education's problems, writes Karen Gross, but his proposed solution -- a system for rating colleges -- must be crafted very carefully.

Bus Tour Hints

This week President Obama will unveil plan to make college affordable, promising tough love for some in higher education "business." But will his proposals go anywhere?

The PLUS Loan Problem

The federal government should revise its loan program for parents and graduate students to better protect borrowers and taxpayers, Justin Draeger writes.

Student Loan Lifestyles

Researchers identify two broad categories of those who borrow to pay for college -- each distinct from the norms of those who don't borrow. Both miss out on what has been considered the classic college experience.

Previewing the Higher Ed Act

In response to Congressional invitation, college groups suggest ideas for revising key federal law, from federal student-level database to risk-based approaches to accreditation and student aid.

The Language of Financial Aid

The way higher education officials talk about paying for college confuses families. Let’s communicate with them in ways they understand, C. Anthony Broh argues.