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Expanding Experimentation

At online learning conference, federal officials say Education Department will soon loosen regulations for institutions experimenting with new forms of assessment.

For-Profits Step Up Gainful Criticism

As a federal panel reconvenes to negotiate "gainful employment" regulations, representatives of for-profit colleges -- backed by a surprise visit from a key Congresswoman -- step up their criticism.

3 Ways to Boost College Access

Amid "big" ideas to reimagine Pell Grants and other federal student aid programs, let's not forget some "easy" changes that could have a big impact, Justin Draeger writes.

The Obamas' New Focus

With Michelle Obama's speech on higher education -- and another meeting of university presidents at the White House -- the administration kicks off a new push to increase low-income students' access to college.

Don't Pay It Forward

An idea gaining support in some states has a catchy sales pitch, but is actually a bad deal for students, writes Kati Haycock.

You've Got Mail

Education Department plans to email 3.5 million borrowers of federal student loans over the next six weeks in effort to boost lagging participation in income-based repayment.

Ed Dept Cold Cases

The Education Department has revived cases against two universities involving minor violations of student aid rules -- from the mid-1990s. College lobbyists cite them as the epitome of inefficiency.

Duncan Apologizes on PLUS Loans

Education secretary tells black college leaders he's sorry for how his agency tightened underwriting standards for federal parent loans, which resulted in wave of loan denials.