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Inputs Trump Outputs

Colleges that serve fewer disadvantaged students have higher graduation rates, new studies find, a fact policy makers should heed.

One Down, One to Go

By resetting student loan rates, Congress just fixed one big mistake from a 2007 higher ed law, writes Andrew Gillen. Now it should tackle the second: create a well-designed income-based loan program.

(Another) Apparent Loan Deal

Compromise would tie federal student loan interest rates to financial market, cap them, and direct some savings to reducing the deficit. Senate approval is not a sure thing.

Senators Reach Loan Deal

A bipartisan group agreed late Wednesday on a change to federal student loan programs, basing interest rates on the market but including a cap.

No Such Thing as ‘Free Tuition’

Oregon will study plan to let students forgo tuition upfront in exchange for a proportion of their wages upon graduation. Critics say it is a bad idea that will never get off the ground.

Exacerbating Inequality

Citing declining enrollment and bachelor's degree attainment for low-income minority students, report warns that proposals to reform federal student aid could harm access and outcomes for neediest students.

'Hall of Shame,' Again

Education Department releases annual lists of most (and least) expensive colleges.

No Deal on Loans

As the Senate goes home for July 4 without voting on a loan deal, interest rates for subsidized student loans will rise Monday.