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Financial Aid Fee Flap

Congressman accuses elite colleges of misleading students into believing they must fill out fee-based form to qualify for federal aid.

No Interest-Rate Crystal Ball

A new federal report says that it's impossible to set interest rates on federal student loans in advance so that the government breaks even on the program.

A Focus on Job Training

In a State of the Union address that is mostly retread, President Obama calls for expanded access to apprenticeships and improved training programs at community colleges that are more targeted to employer-demanded skills.

Killing Off a Success

Why is the University of Virginia backing away from a student aid policy that succeeded in attracting more low-income students? And why is UNC standing by a similar policy?

Ratings Alternative

Association of public universities says Obama ratings system could create "perverse incentives," but supports linking receipt of aid to performance on key metrics.

The Feel-Good Summit

White House meeting focuses on what colleges have done and can do to help low-income students, with lots of praise and little mention of rising prices and ratings.

Accord on Appropriations

Congressional negotiators reach agreement to boost spending on NIH and student aid, though deal does not restore all of the sequester cuts.

Getting Tough on Parent PLUS

New report says Education Department did not go far enough in controversial changes it made several years ago to eligibility requirements for Parent PLUS Loans.