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The Higher Education President

Obama trumpeted importance of college-going and invested in students and institutions like no leader before him -- while demanding much in return and, sometimes, failing big, too.

Early FAFSA: Fast, but Will it Go Far?

Kent Barnds takes stock of the impact of a major change in the financial aid and student recruitment timetable.

Coming in 2017

Colleges and universities should prepare for seven key trends in the new year, Lisa M. Rudgers and Julie A. Peterson advise.

Colleges Should Abandon Early Admissions

The disadvantage they confer on low-income students is a fatal flaw, argues Harold O. Levy.

New Center on Race and Equity

The University of Southern California will bring the University of Pennsylvania's Shaun Harper to campus, as well as several of Penn's initiatives, with big plans for a nationwide campus climate survey.

What Happens if Free Tuition Comes to Campus?

Presidents of public institutions in New York say they welcome Governor Cuomo's plan and could find ways to enroll many more. But they still have questions.

Unprecedented and Unprincipled Adversary

Universities must work together to confront a large, adaptive and well-camouflaged apparatus that aspires to mimic and rival legitimate science, argues U.S. Senator Sheldon Whitehouse.

Data Faulty but Badge Remains

Figures Simmons provided U.S. News about a nursing program were so wrong it was declared "unranked," but the college kept badge of honor on its website.