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Maybe College Isn't the Great Equalizer

Study links family income growing up to postgraduation income -- even after controlling for many factors. Other researchers disagree.

College Can Improve Transfer Rates

State policy isn’t the only way to tackle low community college student transfer rates, write Josh Wyner and Alison Kadlec. Institutional action matters, too.

Recommendation Rescinded

If a high school senior displays a swastika at his school, should colleges be told? A teacher is being punished for doing just that.

Growing Plans

As many Northeastern colleges fear enrollment declines, Lehigh University charts ambitious growth plan including 1,000 additional undergraduates, 100 more faculty members and a new college of health.

Imagining the Next Generation of Humanities Research

We need systematic, coordinated institutional efforts to chart a viable future for the humanities in the 21st century, argues Robert Frodeman.

Jobs Broker for Aviation Training

New nonprofit is intermediary between aviation employers and partner colleges, with tailored academic programs that could send graduates across state lines for well-paying jobs.

Colleges Should Abandon Early Admission? Really?

Robert Massa contends that early-decision admissions programs do not, in fact, necessarily act against the inclusion of disadvantaged students at the nation’s most prestigious institutions.

Uneven Access, Equal Success

Access to certain colleges has a lot to do with income, new study finds, but graduating college levels the playing field for students of all socioeconomic backgrounds.