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Native Americans and Hollywood Films

In today’s Academic Minute, Washington and Lee University's Harvey Markowitz explores portrayal of Native Americans in Hollywood and a recent...

Games and Entertaining Choices

In today’s Academic Minute, the City University of New York's Ethan Ham explores what makes an interesting choice and entertaining...

Materialism, Stress and Consumerism

In today’s Academic Minute, Michigan State University's Ayalla Ruvio examines the relationship between stress and compulsive shopping. Ruvio is an...

Ecosystems and Tipping Points

In today’s Academic Minute, Aaron Ellison of Harvard University’s Harvard Forest discusses efforts to intervene before ecosystems pass their tipping...

Visible Tattoos and Employment

In today’s Academic Minute, the University of St. Andrews's Andrew Timming explains how visible tattoos can influence the outcome of...

Neuroplasticity and Early Childhood Education

In today’s Academic Minute, the University of Oregon's Helen Neville describes a method that utilizes early childhood education to overcome...

Lumping Dinosaur Species

In today’s Academic Minute, the University of Pennsylvania's Peter Dodson examines how the fossilization process can make individual fossils hard...

Faint Young Sun Paradox

In today’s Academic Minute, the University of Colorado at Boulder's Brian Toon discusses how a weaker sun could have supported...