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Acid Rain and Alkaline Rivers

In today’s Academic Minute, the University of Maryland's Sujay Kaushal discusses how acid rain has made rivers and streams less...

Genetics of Marital Bliss

In today’s Academic Minute, Robert Levenson of the University of California at Berkeley explains the genetics nature of marital satisfaction...

Lost Theatrical Works of the Holocaust

In today’s Academic Minute, the University of York's Lisa Peschel explores the discovery of theatrical works that were only performed...

Black Holes of the Sea

In today’s Academic Minute, the University of Miami's Francisco Beron-Vera explains vortices that transport bodies of water around the globe...

Martian Craters

In today’s Academic Minute, Northern Arizona University's Nadine Barlow discusses why some craters on Mars have resisted erosion. Barlow is...

Botox And Chronic Pain

In today’s Academic Minute, the University of Sheffield's ​Bazbek Davletov examines why Botox could be the next great pain medication...

The Mobility Of Modern Memorials

In today’s Academic Minute, Baylor University's Candi Cann discusses the rising popularity of alternative memorials to the dead. Cann is...

Genetics Of Bee Sex

In today’s Academic Minute, the University of Cologne's Martin Hasselmann explains the genetic process that determines the sex of honey...