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Playtime in Kindergarten

Kindergarten is now more structured with less time for play. In today's Academic Minute, the University of Texas at Austin's...

More Single People Than Ever Before

There are a lot of single people out there. In today's Academic Minute, Bella DePaulo of the University of California...

The Importance of the Census

The census can have far reaching implications. In today's Academic Minute, Ohio State University's Jay Zagorsky explores why we should...


There are multiple ways to experience empathy. In today's Academic Minute, the University at Buffalo's Michael Poulin discusses which route...

Weekend Warriors

Do weekend warriors get the same health benefits as people who work out regularly? In today's Academic Minute, George Washington...

Teaching Critical Thinking

Teaching critical thinking could be key to our students’ futures. In today's Academic Minute, Winthrop University's Amanda Hiner examines a...

Is the ‘Mona Lisa’ Smiling?

We can all picture the famous smile on the “Mona Lisa.” In today’s Academic Minute, the University of Freiburg’s Jürgen...

Server Perceptions and Tipping

Are you a big tipper? In today's Academic Minute, the University of Missouri's Dae-Young Kim examines whether what a customer...