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Inequality is getting worse in the United States. In today's Academic Minute, Jonathan J. B. Mijs of the London School...

The Power of Being in Sync

Get in sync. In today's Academic Minute, the University of Washington's Tal-Chen Rabinowitch explains why being in sync helps children...

Functional Brain Networks and Early Stone Tools

To view history, let’s dig into our brains instead of the Earth. In today's Academic Minute, Indiana University's Shelby Putt...

Family Leave Policies

Is a new family leave policy on the way? In today's Academic Minute, American Public University's Marie Gould Harper examines...

Extreme Weather Events and Climate Change

Is climate change causing more extreme weather events? In today's Academic Minute, Pennsylvania State University's Michael Mann delves into this...

The Media Is a Business

The media is also a business. In today's Academic Minute, the University of Michigan's Amanda Lotz discusses this statement. Lotz...

Personalized News Feeds

Should we customize our news feeds? In today's Academic Minute, the University at Buffalo's Ivan Dylko explores whether curating is...

The New Gatekeepers of News

We’re all the gatekeepers of news today. In today's Academic Minute, Washington and Lee University's Aly Colon examines regular people...