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What is a University Today?

Academics comprises only a fraction of these institutions’ functions.

Environmental Context: Not Just for Americans

Finding ways to help colleges better measure “distance travelled” with an eye to evening up admissions systems which are almost unavoidably tilted towards the children of the elite, seems like an awfully good idea.

The Importance of Strategic Postinterview Follow-Up

A well-thought-out message can put the finishing touches on a great interview or help save you after a not-so-great one, writes Stephanie K. Eberle.

Ethical College Admissions: Questioning Assumptions on Undermatching

New studies on low-income students raise important issues, but we should not assume that there is a single best approach to higher education for all students, writes Jim Jump.

1 Location, 1 Day

David Benjamin Gruenbaum offers a solution to the fairness issues created when some students get extra time on the SAT and ACT.

Bias Response Teams: Fact vs. Fiction

The truth about these teams is more complex than headlines acknowledge, and misconceptions about them abound, Ryan A. Miller and four other scholars argue.

Emily Nussbaum Is a Good Writer

What can we learn from how a good writer works to help others write good?