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Dutch Cuts to Internationalization Send the Wrong Message

When a liberal country such as the Netherlands cuts back on funding to support education in the global knowledge economy, other countries may follow with cuts.

Finding Your Flow

Doing so can enhance your scholarly life and help you advance your career, says Victoria McGovern.

Ethical College Admissions: Chicago Declares Test Optional a Success

The policies deserve a careful look, writes Jim Jump.

Philosophers Should Not Be Sanctioned Over Their Positions on Sex and Gender

While the respect due to all people should never be compromised, academic freedom should be restricted only with the greatest caution, if ever, write 12 leading scholars.

Typing Unlocked the World for Me

What is an underlying core skill that today's students must have? Is it still typing?

That Wasn’t Supposed to Happen…

Why are enrollments falling at community colleges and rising at higher-priced four-year universities?

'The Levelling’, Higher Ed, and the End of Globalization

A frustrating book that introduces an important conversation.