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Low-Cost Online Master’s Program Debate Between Josh and Eddie

Arguing about what the graduate degrees from edX and Coursera really mean.

Managing Microaggressions

Those of us whom they affect must find ways to soothe the uncomfortable feelings they elicit, writes Stephen J. Aguilar, who offers some suggestions for how to do so.

Don’t Just Revile Amy Wax -- Rebut Her

Outrage does not and cannot refute what she said -- only facts can do that, argues Jonathan Zimmerman.

About Those Parents Severing Their Guardianship

Those are the people from which I come. By all means hate those players, but also take some time to look at the game.

The Nuance of Note Taking

Banning laptops or other note-taking devices from the classroom is an extreme stance that isn’t right for every student, argues Karen Costa.

Taking Trans Lives Seriously

It is not permissible to debate in some academic parlor game the lives of people who are oppressed and murdered, writes Mark Lance.

'The Robots Are Coming!'

Books on the impact of technology on jobs, and the place of higher ed in this conversation.

What Do Students Get in Return for Their Tuition?

There are gross disparities in spending on instruction.