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Destination Moon

Scott McLemee reviews Charles Pappas's One Giant Leap: Iconic and Inspiring Space Race Inventions That Shaped History.

Notes on Cynicism

Two flavors, one more troubling than the other.

'Digital Transformation' and the University

What might the convergence of cloud computing, big data, IoT, and AI mean for us?

Learning Why, Not How

Citing your sources matters, but teaching citation just muddies the waters for first-year students.

How Higher Ed Is and Is Not Changing

It’s time to reframe the question: Why is it so hard to innovate within higher education?

August Homework for College Leaders

Presidents, board chairs and other trustees should spend time now thinking about how best to prepare for potential crises that may arise in the fast-approaching new academic year, Margaret Dunning advises.

Defending Science Through Its Values

The myth that science should rely on proof or certainty is a view so harmful to scientific understanding that it only gives aid and comfort to climate-change deniers and others who attack it, argues Lee McIntyre.