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What Is It Like to Be a Cat?

Scott McLemee reviews Understanding Animals: Philosophy for Dog and Cat Lovers by Lars Svendsen.

Making the Most of Transitions

Successful leadership requires being humble and taking the advice of those who have done the work before us, writes Terri E. Givens.

Talking Learning Innovation, Community Colleges, and New Gigs with Rolin Moe

A conversation with the new Dean of Academic Support and Learning Technologies at Skyline College.

Crucial Co-Writing Considerations

Strategies to strengthen your team and your product.

Work-Ready Graduates Require Strong Partnerships

This exaggerated expectations of higher education institutions sometimes overlook the importance of commitment from other stakeholders.

Why Higher Education Will Change

Innovation in higher education is not an option. It is essential

So You Think Higher Ed Is a Safe Space for Trans Folks?

Read the Inside Higher Ed comments and think again, says Robyn Schlesinger.

Academic Book Reviews Deserve Some Respect

They are an investment in the scholarly community and in ourselves as researchers, Victoria Addis argues.