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Institutional Branding Demands C-Suite Ownership

For an institutional branding effort to succeed, cabinet members must follow their president’s lead and champion the cultural change across the campus that breathes life into a brand foundation.

Prison: Where Undergrads and Inmates Take Classes Together

We can simultaneously improve students' learning experiences and enhance prisoners' opportunities, writes Jeff Schatten.

Advancing to the Presidency No. 4: Create Your Own Jobs

S. Georgia Nugent describes how to get the opportunity, the break, to move farther along your leadership path.

Career Preparedness

Embedding career preparation in the undergraduate experience.

A Fresh Look at Blockchain in Higher Ed

Blockchain is advancing in higher education, as it is in all of society, with some interesting new applications and ramifications.

College Ranking Metrics Should Include Academic Freedom

Isn’t academic freedom a serious enough principle, Richard Ashford, Shampa Biswas and Mohan J. Dutta ask, for its violations to be reflected in some manner in those metrics?