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Can (or Should) an Academic Program Be Branded: An Open Letter to Chief Academic Officers

Your school's academic experience must align with your institutional brand in ways that surprise, inspire and delight your audiences.

Strange Ed Fellows

Rabbi Daniel Lehmann describes how very different institutions -- for example, a secular, global university and a graduate theological consortium -- can come together to confront climate change and other pressing societal issues.

Incivility, Bullying and Academic Dysfunction

How can departments foster an environment that encourages productive discourse, even in the face of vigorous disagreement? Nicholas C. Burbules, Ashley Albrecht Weaver, Elizabeth A. Luckman and C. K. Gunsalus provide some recommendations.

Farewell 2019

And thanks to the readers.

One Last Thought

… as the next decade begins.

Pro and Con: Combining Instructional Designers and Educational Developers

Learning professionals and the potential advantages and downsides of a campus reorganization.