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The Essential Value of University Presses

Institutions can be unfamiliar with what their university presses do or with their own integral role in supporting scholarly publishing, argue Kathryn Conrad and Jennifer Crewe, which can lead to hasty or inaccurate judgments.

Advice for New and Aspiring Vice Presidents

There is never a perfect time to be a leader, but these tips can help you be a better one.

Answering the Question ‘Who Leads on College Learning?’

Why we call for a new interdisciplinary academic field of learning innovation.

How to Stop Yourself From Being Overworked and Bitter

People who do too much service can take longer to advance in their careers, are often unhappy with how service is distributed in the department and are more likely to burn out or leave the academy, write Rachel McLaren and Anthony Ocampo, who offer tips for avoiding that.

Creating Community in Online Classrooms

Rebecca Vidra explains how she uses her students' shared interest in music to draw them into her course's discussion forum.

Choosing a Committee

How to decide whom to include.

What Do You Do?

Explaining how colleges work to friends and family.