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Misplaced Layoffs at CUNY

Layoffs disproportionately affect those who teach our students, rather than "slimming down the overstuffed, overpaid and frequently incompetent administration."

Don't Demean All Karens and Chads

A "hateful and demeaning" slap at people with names "given to us at birth and not ours to choose -- as if we are all implicitly morally inferior."

Putting Your Professional Development to Work

If you pursued a graduate degree because you thought that knowing more, and sharing that knowledge, could make positive change, now is your time, writes Melissa Dalgleish.

Colleges Shouldn't Revoke Admissions Offers

It will fail to fight racism, writes Joe Cohn.

Finding Future Presidents

Peter Eckel explores the ways the pandemic might take its toll on the search for talent at the top and what search committees and boards should do in response.

More Crucial Than Ever

Today's climate demands the inclusion of ethnic studies throughout higher education, argues Elwood Watson, who disputes the naysayers' routine criticisms of the field.

The Girl at 16

Blending incisive social critique with excellent manners.

What About Sports?

What should schools do about sports, not just in the fall, but in the post-COVID aftermath?