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It's Time for the IRS to Question Legacy Admissions

The practice favors the wealthy and should end, writes Yair Listokin.

The Key to Safe and Sustained College Reopenings

We must leverage the power and effectiveness of high-volume antigen tests, writes Julianne Malveaux.

Lessons From the Trenches of Motherhood and Academe

Academic parents and caregivers find efficiency a necessity, writes Rebekah Layton, who offers tips for how to manage your time and energy.

2 Steps Land Grants Should Take to Fight Racial Injustice

Unfortunately, to date we've seen a lot of talk but far less action when it comes to righting past wrongs and healing our nation's wounds, argues Stephen M. Gavazzi.

Human Conditions, Early and Otherwise

Scott McLemee reviews fall 2021 books on human origins and development.

Friday Fragments

Declining birth rates, college anxiety and cannibals afoot.