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Colleges Should Admit Students Without the ACT or SAT

It’s time for a new way to judge applicants, write Vincent Pan and Mo Hyman.

Fiduciaries, Not Thought Police

Blatant political intrusion is threatening to tarnish the integrity and credibility of higher education governance, warns Jill Derby.

Ask the Administrator: Access to a Curve

Should a student who resolves an incomplete grade be eligible for the class curve?


Scott McLemee reviews Shawna Malvini Redden’s 101 Pat-Downs: An Undercover Look at Airport Security and the TSA.

A Lifeline for American Higher Education

Colleges have, for the most part, failed to make the most of the growing opportunity to serve senior learners and thereby generate needed additional revenues, argues Thomas Benson.

Making the Invisible Visible

Kimberly A. Truong describes how her institution has taken a key step toward acknowledging the invisible labor of faculty of color -- and why others should do so as well.

Friday Fragments

An alarming time capsule, reflections on a colloquy and The Boy's accidental wisdom.