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Workforce training gaps, Pell and prison education programs, Arthur Levine, and mergers/acquisitions.

Grad Students Need Real-World Policy Training

Besides engaging in scientific research, they should be able to work on projects for local governments—for academic credit—and gain practitioner expertise, write Nancy Holt and Terri Matthews.

Transforming Giving Relationships Into Transformational Ones

Megadonations are more important than ever to higher education institutions, and Greg Duyck provides advice on how to cultivate them.

TAG! You’re It: State Affordability Guarantees for Transfer Students

Ensuring students can access and succeed in affordable postsecondary pathways.

NECHE 2021 Musings

Updates from the New England Commission of Higher Education annual meeting.

Fixing the College Business Model

Lessons that higher education can and can’t learn from the auto industry.

Are Free Classes Easier to Drop?

Which matters more: The sunk-cost fallacy or opportunity cost?

Why Would an Institution Refuse a Charitable Contribution?

Colleges and universities must contemplate whether a gift is in their best interest.