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Wordle, AI and Writing as Gaming

Doug Hesse explores the Wordle phenomenon and why people play language games, including the fundamental one of writing.

Why We Need Professional Literary Criticism

How scholars of literature can recover their readership.

'Biological Reality' Is Messy

Angie Kirk's op-ed "uses a scientifically unsound argument to legitimize legal discrimination under the euphemistic slogan of fairness for women."

A Test-Prep Person’s Analysis

Ben Paris offers his take on the new SAT.

Ethical College Admissions: The SAT’s New Format

Jim Jump likes some things, but he also has a question.

How Crises Make Us Lead (and Feel)

Scott Cowen compares and contrasts the leadership required and shares key insights he gained while leading universities in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina and during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Leading Academic Groups With ‘Yes, And’

Instituting the first rule of improvisation can set the stage for not only a more positive work culture but also important social change, write Michael Paul Nelson and Thomas H. DeLuca.