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Why Higher Ed Must Advocate for Mandatory Personal Finance Education in High School

Emotion is driving college choice, but reason should prevail, writes financial literacy advocate John Pelletier.

Colleges Should Make It OK for Faculty to Disclose Disabilities

The academy continues to be ableist and disadvantage people with various learning abilities and those in neurodiverse learning communities, argues Karly Ball.

After Liberalism… the Deluge

Scott McLemee reports on Matthew Rose’s A World After Liberalism: Philosophers of the Radical Right.

Friday Fragments: Finance Edition

An expansion of free community college, a praiseworthy article and the college choices within TG’s friend group.

Where More Money Would Matter Most

Spending more on each community college student is the key to national higher ed success, Jay Urwitz argues.

Beyond the Binary: Unpacking Transfer, Centering Students

Changing institution-focused processes to meet learners where they are.

Want Your Book to Be a Movie?: Part I

Follow your dream, but don’t hold your breath, advises Eric Jager, author of The Last Duel, who highlights the importance of luck, timing and the help of key people.