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Empowering Students and Simplifying Credit Mobility

The CUNY T-Rex High School Gateway site offers dual-enrollment students and their counselors a valuable tool to understand how dual-enrollment credits translate.

An A-plus grade, written and circled in red, against a plain white background, with a red colored pencil lying alongside it.

Grade Inflation: An Ahistorical Narrative

The narrative around grade inflation would benefit from some historical perspective, write Christopher J. Richmann and Ryan T. Ramsey.

Cancer and the Human Condition, Part 2

Further reflections on how the humanities can help us process and cope with acute illness.

An illustration of 10 people gathered for a meeting around a round table, as they might be if engaged in faculty committee work.

The Jobs of Faculty Governance

Peter Eckel breaks down the discrete jobs that make up effective faculty governance.

Why DEI Work Shouldn't Focus on Child-Free Cat Guys

But, white people and men are needed as advocates for DEI efforts that support historically oppressed people 

A vertical stack of three wooden blocks with letters on them reads "DEI." Other blocks, their letters blurry, can be seen strewed in the background.

What’s Next for DEI?

Colleges should rethink their approaches to DEI if they don’t want to see it dismantled during a second Trump administration, Patrick J. Casey writes.

Cancer and the Human Condition, Part 1

How the humanities can help us process and cope with acute illness.