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Toxic Paternalism and Ph.D. Programs

Many graduate students live in fear of the consequences of disappointing their overcontrolling advisers, but little is discussed or done about the issue, writes Elizabeth Stice.

1 + 1 + 2

Looking for good data on the success of early-college students at the bachelor’s level.

Connecting Promise Programs to Community College Transfer

The importance of professional development for transfer practitioners.

Listening to Tribal Students

Colleges need to listen to what tribal students need and provide customized support, Patrick Horning writes.

Loving Your Field Enough to Set Limits

As institutional needs have increased and grown in complexity, our time as higher ed professionals has become less and less our own, write Wilmarie Rodriguez and Amy Carpenter.

Friday Fragments

Comparing college tours, mystery science recommendations and fun with financial aid.

5 Ways That I’m Bad at Slack

Why the problem is likely with the user and not the tool.