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In the 'Shadow of the Valley'

Larry M. Robbins offers tips for sustaining students' interest during those inevitable classroom "down times."

Silence in the Stacks

Academic librarians are quiet ... maybe a little too quiet.

Letting Down the Soldiers

When it comes to college tuition, some states are doing wrong by military families, James A. Boyle argues.

Ever Vulnerable Adjuncts

Those who think the Ward Churchill controversy demonstrates the resilience of tenure's protections need to think about those without tenure, writes Dan Skinner.

The 'No Viewpoint' Viewpoint

Imagine a college student returning to campus next fall and being greeted by a student government representative who asks her...

Grade Inflation and Abdication

Outside efforts to measure student performance may rankle college officials, but it's their own fault, John V. Lombardi says.

Of Metaphors and Moving Vans

Scott McLemee ties up some loose ends from recent columns.

Filthy Lucre

Terry Caesar reflects on academics' ambivalence and ignorance about money.