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Students Read Less. Should We Care?

Declining interest in literature may signal trouble for the humanities and social sciences. But maybe it doesn't, argues John V. Lombardi.

Indestructible Student Relationships

Shari Wilson wonders why so many of the couples and friendships she sees involve one member being dragged down academically.

A Better Way to Evaluate Colleges

Jake B. Schrum offers some methods -- other than U.S. News rankings -- of examining liberal arts institutions.

Will to Power

Scholarship and newspapers don't often mix well. Scott McLemee wonders if the situation can be changed.

The Quotidian Miasma of Discrimination

Phyllis Barone examines the case of the damsel in distress and the nature of sexism in academe.

Reading Left to Right

"Political Theory Daily Review" may be the best-kept secret of the academic blogosphere. Scott McLemee talks with the figure behind the curtain.

Graduate Students Are Students

John Beckman explains why NYU found that collective bargaining for TA's didn't work for the university.

NEH Grant Proposal #1095702H

David Galef applies to study a master of Victorian minimalism, minimally.