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Trustees and Tenure

John V. Lombardi on the annual ritual in which board members scrutinize the academic tradition that most baffles them.

Hitler -- the Classic?

A new book offers guidance in reading Mein Kampf. Scott McLemee wonders if the canon wars are quite over.

Pay, Perks and Policies

The president of Roger Williams U. explores the implications of the scandal over compensation for the president of American U.

Quarterly Report

The golden age of the general-interest academic review is over. Or is it? Scott McLemee wonders.

The Media World as It Is

Michael Bugeja reflects on journalism, journalism education, and academic values in an era in which many value opinion more than fact.

Christian Academe vs. Christians in Academe

Kenneth G. Elzinga considers the very different roles and responsibilities of each.

A Dogged Pursuit

Scholarly books can be a strain on the eyes and the pocketbook alike. Scott McLemee wonders if academic presses have found an answer in blogging....

To Debate or Not to Debate Intelligent Design?

Gerald Graff, who coined the phrase "teach the controversy," applies it to the issue of the moment.