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The Silencer

People are bringing cell phones into libraries and academic conferences. Scott McLemee wants to take them out.

Self-Assessment: Academe and Me

An annual assignment from a dean leaves one professor thinking about how colleges really view the minority faculty members they say they value so highly.

Our Office

Christopher Conway remembers moving into the space until recently occupied by a beloved professor who had died unexpectedly.

Dreams Deferred?

Congress shouldn’t let inflammatory rhetoric derail a bill that will help undocumented students, David Hawkins argues.

Deaf and Dizzy Lawmakers

Doug Bennett writes that Congress is focused on the wrong higher education issues and doesn't understand the federal role in academe.

Lazy Me

An independent film documents the life and times of a beloved campus hangout. Scott McLemee loiters with intent.

The Other Conference

Crashing a meeting to which you aren't invited can be more fun and enlightening than attending your own scholarly conclave. Terry Caesar wonders why.

What Drives Parents Crazy?

Marion Franck offers tips for colleges on how to infuriate (and not to infuriate) applicants and their families.