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The Benefit of Many Winners

John V. Lombardi offers an alternative take on this seasonal debate: bowl games or a national football tournament?

Critical Condition

Keeping up with the culture is a full-time job. Scott McLemee talks with a professor who does it 24-7.

A Question for Our Friends in HR

After applying for tenure-track jobs this year, I got a letter from a university in the California State system, signed...

Don't Forget the Registrar

Now that Education Secretary Margaret Spellings is using the report of her Commission on the Future of Higher Education to...

Grad School: A Primer

Scott Eric Kaufman provides the ABC's of being a doctoral student.

Churm House

Our house was built at the end of the Civil War and is listed on the National Register of Historic...

What Princeton Tuition Freeze Means -- and Doesn't Mean

For the second time in seven years, a highly visible and prestigious private institution has announced a decision not to...

A Warning on Measuring Learning Outcomes

Trudy W. Banta makes the case against using standardized tests of general intellectual skills to compare how well colleges educate students.