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Teaching Moments

The big breakthroughs come one by one, writes Melissa Ballard, not in the massive group breakthroughs you see in the movies.

Ranking CC's

An alert reader sent me a link to the Washington Monthly's rating of the top 30 community colleges in America...

Going South

A humanist's search for research support, in David Galef's latest dispatch from U of All People.

The Oregon Trial

The University of Oregon, a once-proud school, is proceeding briskly toward the status of Oklahoma State, a third-tier football factory...

Ask the Administrator: A Class Lottery?

A returning correspondent whose pet course got canceled for low enrollment writes: So, I've been thinking what I might do...

Oh, Canada

Americans have no monopoly on crises of national identity. Scott McLemee takes off to the Great White North....


In an unrelated discussion with the registrar at my cc, I learned that her previous college – a respectable-but-not-elite four-year...

Jane Austen, Yadda, Yadda, Yadda

Devoney Looser considers what to say when your academic specialty is suddenly capturing public attention.