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Teaching Free Speech in Times of War

Reading about the issues of the day, in French, offers new perspectives to students and their professor, writes Helen Solterer.


The New York Times ran a front-page article yesterday with the shocking – shocking, I say – news that colleges...

Tough Liberal

The late Al Shanker was both labor leader and ideological warrior. Scott McLemee interviews his biographer for a podcast.

Background on the New Academy, and Questions for Bill Galston

The proposed Public Service Academy would be America's "first national civilian university" dedicated to producing "leaders of character" who would...

Ask My Readers: One-Year Gigs and Undergraduate Research

A returning correspondent writes: I have been skimming the latest crop of advertisements for physicsfaculty, and every so often I...

The Academy as a Community Greenhouse

The "ivory tower" analogy is outdated, and comparing colleges to businesses is shortsighted. Carolinda Douglass offers an alternative metaphor for higher education.

Help Harvard Spend Its Endowment: Part Two

UD has already proposed that Harvard relieve itself of the guilty burden of a forty billion dollar endowment by giving...