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What are the odds? There was actually a staggeringly brilliant piece in the New York Times yesterday! (The piece is...

On the Town

I’m in Chicago, since Crazy Larry finally got me a comp ticket to the play he’s in. It’s a good...


Carolyn Segal considers the impact of an essay -- and its unexpected afterlife in the world of plagiarism Web sites.

Policy and Trust

A former cc administrator -- who is not me -- did a piece in the Chronicle about deans and chairs...

Goodbye to Procrustes And Goldilocks

Stephen Joel Trachtenberg, a president-turned-presidential search consultant, considers why many candidacies are needlessly ruled out, and suggests that the questions asked may be too narrow.

Ask the Administrator: Bouncer Duty

A regular correspondent writes: Lots of people are showing up in class these days who have been cut off from...

Be Aware (Beware)

They long for a clash of civilizations that would destroy our liberties. Scott McLemee worries about the fanatics among us.

Do Drop Me A Line

My friend Chip wants to be my life coach. He said those words. When I asked what he meant, he...