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Start With a Number...

Jason B. Jones writes that, done correctly, the kinds of statistical analysis politicians want in assessment systems can point to tough and important questions for professors and administrators to consider.

Hell Hath No Fury

A new correspondent writes: I am a Department Head for a large urban CC in a very small vocational program...

Watch Lists

OK, I’m following the conversation in Washington about putting universities and colleges on a watch list if they increase their...

Swiftboating Higher Education on P2P

The latest salvo in the entertainment industry's campaign against illegal downloading of movies and music -- aided and abetted by Congress -- is wrong, and students should help fight it, Kenneth C. Green argues.

Of Pedagogy

There was a roundtable here last Friday on creative-writing pedagogy. I hadn’t RSVP’d for the event but agreed to go...

Death Valley

Although the very thought of it makes some academics blanch, I'm beginning to think that "evidence-based management" could be really...

Well, That Explains a Lot...

In the context of discussing ways to encourage her colleagues to try to reach students at different levels of demonstrated...

Talking to Himself

The oral historian Studs Terkel now tells his life's story. Scott McLemee listens to a puzzling silence in the tale.