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The Marketplace. My Subconscious.

"I go back to professional baseball and Alex Rodriguez making $25 million a year. Or to Julia Roberts and $20...

Does Class Size Matter?

Daniel Barwick challenges the assumption that small is always best in the college classroom.

Rules of Engagement

When I enlisted in the Army years ago, I was offered half-a-dozen duty stations for my first posting. I chose...

Stuck In Adjunct Hell

A long-suffering correspondent writes: I'm an adjunct . . . everywhere. Note that I am sending this from the Ringling...

Reading Evaluations

A new correspondent -- and apparently the kind of student we'd all like to have -- writes: As a student...

Around the Web

What are the best academic blogs you've never heard of? Scott McLemee beats the bushes for leads

Hire a Geezer

Rob Weir argues that top colleges and universities can get better by getting grayer -- at least in selecting professors.

The Meaning of a Transgender Homecoming King

A student's victory points to the power of some campus traditions, and the need to challenge them, writes Hugo Schwyzer.